Monday, December 22, 2008

Kentucky Conservation Coalition Newsletter

Commissioners Newsletter - December 2008
Click here to read December's newsletter
The Kentucky Conservation Coalition will be sending out the KDFWR Commissioner Newsletter each Month. Please click here to read December's newsletter.
If you are currently a member of the Kentucky Conservation Coalition, thank you for joining. Please share this e-mail with other outdoorsmen and women.
The mission of the Kentucky Conservation Coalition is to organize outdoorsmen and women, conservation groups and their members so that their united voices can be heard on important issues impacting fish and wildlife management, wildlife-related recreation interests, and natural resource conservation in Kentucky. Our fishing, hunting, trapping, and natural resource conservation heritage is depending on it. We need to pass the things we hold dear to the next generation, and the time to act is now. To join the KCC and its many partners, including The Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources, please sign up for this FREE service by clicking here

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