Thursday, September 4, 2008

Important California Legislation


Hunting/Fishing Bill Goes to CA Governor August 29, 2008

Legislation championed by the California Legislature Outdoor Sporting Caucus that clarifies the authority of the state Fish and Game Commission and Department of Fish and Game over local governments is expected to be signed by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger is coming days.

California Assembly Bill 815 would block local governments from passing ordinances to stop or approve hunting and fishing and will prevent potentially severe county/municipal restrictions, or outright bans, from being placed on hunters and anglers.

As reported by the California Outdoor Heritage Alliance, the legislation was derived from several State Attorney General’s opinions that determined local governments couldn’t regulate the taking of fish and game.

Because the Government Code or the Fish and Game Code contained no clear statutory language, California cities and counties have increasingly attempted to restrict and even ban hunting and fishing activities.

In addition to strengthening the state’s authority over hunting, fishing and scientific wildlife management, the new law will prevent “checkerboard” fish and game laws that differ from county to county.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

People should read this.