Thursday, January 10, 2008

Deer Season 2007-STRANGE

It was a strange deer season indeed for me here in Bullitt County. Probably the worst one I've seen in years. FRUSTRATING. I, like many I've spoken to, saw absolutely zero sign of any rutting activity. I saw few scrapes and rubs. I did not see one buck actually chasing a doe either while hunting or while driving. In the summer, I saw tons of shooter bucks on camera, including one my son would later kill during the youth season in mid-October. That same weekend, I saw several big bucks out strolling and checking does. After that point.................ZERO. I saw a lot of small bucks checking with no success in November and not much at all in December. Is it due to the gnat problem that killed so many mature bucks this summer and early fall???? Don't know. It'll be really interesting to see if there are any fawns next summer. I can't wait for scouting to begin for a new upcoming season.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very nice site and great info.....will make sure everyone I know gets a notice about it.